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Exercises for knee stability

James White

Knees are one of those joints that Taunton Health see a lot of problems in.

There are a variety of reasons and problems that could be causing someone’s knee problems or pains and if you do have knee pain it’s probably a good idea you find someone who knows about knees (an osteopath or chiropractor) to get the underlying problem found and then addressed.

However this article is designed to give you a few exercises so that you can begin increasing the stability and strength in your knees.

A very important muscle in the knee that has a major role in stabilising the joint is the vastus medialis oblique (VMO).

It is not only an important muscle but it is often under developed and weaker than it should be which can contribute to knee instability and pain.

Two exercises that are useful in beginning the process of strengthening this muscle are the seated leg extension and the Peterson step up.

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Firstly the seated leg extension:

  • Sit on a chair and use a resistance band attached to your ankle and the leg of a chair. Then slowly straighten the leg you’re working and concentrate on feeling the VMO working to do this movement. When your leg is straight tighten up the muscle, hold for a few seconds and then slowly return to the starting position.

  • Go for 2 lots of 20 repetitions on each leg.

Secondly we have the Peterson step up:

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  • This exercise is going to be too complicated to explain in words so I have put in a picture and then a video from Charles Poliquin who explains how the exercise is done correctly.

  • Start off 2 sets of 10 repetitions and build up to 15 repetitions and then finally (after lots of time mastering bodyweight) begin adding light weights.

So if you’re feeling like your knees are unstable, on the verge of pain, not strong enough or you just want to work on prevention or performance give these exercises a go.

Remember though that if you are in pain then you might cause more damage by not finding an osteopath or chiropractor to properly assess and correct your knees.

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